Rabu, 21 September 2011

[B211.Ebook] Ebook Free Introduction to Soil Mechanics, by Béla Bodó, Colin Jones

Ebook Free Introduction to Soil Mechanics, by Béla Bodó, Colin Jones

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Introduction to Soil Mechanics, by Béla Bodó, Colin Jones

Introduction to Soil Mechanics, by Béla Bodó, Colin Jones

Introduction to Soil Mechanics, by Béla Bodó, Colin Jones

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Introduction to Soil Mechanics, by Béla Bodó, Colin Jones

Introduction to Soil Mechanics, B�la Bod� & Colin Jones

Introduction to Soil Mechanics covers the basic principles of soil mechanics, illustrating why the properties of soil are important, the techniques used to understand and characterise soil behaviour and how that knowledge is then applied in construction.�� The authors have endeavoured to define and discuss the principles and concepts concisely, providing clear, detailed explanations, and a well-illustrated text with diagrams, charts, graphs and tables. With many practical, worked examples and end-of-chapter and coverage of Eurocode 7, Introduction to Soil Mechanics will be an ideal starting point for the study of soil mechanics and geotechnical engineering.

About the Authors

B�la Bod� B.Sc., B.A., C.Eng., M.I.C.E, was born in Hungary and studied at Budapest Technical University, the University of London and the Open University. He developed his expertise in Soil Mechanics during his employment with British Rail and British Coal.

Colin Jones B.Sc, C. Eng., M.I.C.E, P.G.C.E, studied at the University of Dundee, and worked at British Coal where he and B�la were colleagues. He has recently retired from the University of Wales, Newport where he was Programme Director for the Civil Engineering provision, specializing in Soil Mechanics and Geotechnics.

Also Available

Fundamentals of Rock Mechanics
4th Edition
J C Jaeger, N G W Cook and R Zimmerman
Hardcover: 9780632057597

Smith's Elements of Soil Mechanics
8th Edition
Ian Smith
Paperback: 9781405133708

  • Sales Rank: #3301869 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2013-06-26
  • Released on: 2013-06-26
  • Format: Kindle eBook

From the Back Cover

Introduction to Soil Mechanics covers the basic principles of soil mechanics, illustrating why the properties of soil are important, the techniques used to understand and characterise soil behaviour and how that knowledge is then applied in construction.�� The authors have endeavoured to define and discuss the principles and concepts concisely, providing clear, detailed explanations, and a well-illustrated text with diagrams, charts, graphs and tables. With many practical, worked examples and end-of-chapter problems (with fully worked solutions available online) and coverage of Eurocode 7, Introduction to Soil Mechanics will be an ideal starting point for the study of soil mechanics and geotechnical engineering.

About the Author

�B�la Bod� B.Sc., B.A., C.Eng., M.I.C.E, was born in Hungary and studied at Budapest Technical University, the University of London and the Open University. He developed his expertise in Soil Mechanics during his employment with British Rail and British Coal.

�Colin Jones B.Sc, C. Eng., M.I.C.E, P.G.C.E, studied at the University of Dundee, and worked at British Coal where he and B�la were colleagues. He has recently retired from the University of Wales, Newport where he was Programme Director for the Civil Engineering provision, specializing in Soil Mechanics and Geotechnics.

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Fantastic book!
By Fab
I'm surprised there are no other reviews.
The book is very well written, very user-friendly, concepts are explained very clearly, there are many worked exemples.
A perfect book for a very thorough introduction to soil mechanics.
Thumbs up M/s Bodo and Jones.

See all 1 customer reviews...

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Introduction to Soil Mechanics, by Béla Bodó, Colin Jones PDF

Introduction to Soil Mechanics, by Béla Bodó, Colin Jones PDF

Introduction to Soil Mechanics, by Béla Bodó, Colin Jones PDF
Introduction to Soil Mechanics, by Béla Bodó, Colin Jones PDF

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